10 avr. 2022

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12: 9
In our Christian lives, there are many truths that we avoid recognizing. And yet, some of them prevent us from entering into our destinies. One of these truths is that so long as we are on earth, everything cannot be perfect in our lives. God will not provide everything we ask for and the devil is not the reason for all of our weaknesses. The experience of an ambassador of Christ in the New Testament provides evidence of this truth.
Apostle Paul is undoubtedly the apostle God used the most in the New Testament. He was particularly instrumental to the teaching of the word God and various miracles performed in the name of Jesus Christ. Many were healed during his ministry just as he performed wonderful miracles (Acts 13:11, Acts 14:10, Acts 16: 18, Acts 19:11-12, Acts 20:10-12, Acts 28: 5, Acts 28:8).
Unfortunately, the same Paul mentioned in the book of Corinthians that there was a thorn in his body that, from the human perspective, could prevent him from succeeding in his ministry. The most interesting thing in his experience was that God refused to heal him after multiple prayers. God’s answer to him was both simple and very clear: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. Paul had indeed achieved his destiny despite that weakness as shown in 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race”. His mentee Timothy also had a weakness (a stomach illness) (1 Timothy 5:23). That notwithstanding, he did achieve his destiny.
I would also want to take this opportunity to tell you something that may be difficult to hear: the grace of God is sufficient for you, and his power is made perfect in your weakness.
Have you ever heard sentences like: If my parents had been rich, I would have succeeded in life; if my IQ were excellent, I would have made an excellent career; or if I had not been sick, I would have preached the gospel to my whole country? We have surely said similar things to describe our weaknesses. I do not know your thorn but in my case, I have decided to neglect my own and never look at it as an obstacle to my destiny because my creator has already told me his power is made perfect in my weakness.